
Three Most Common Weight loss diet Myths

weight loss diet

Discover these common myths that you must know when following any weight loss diet.

You will be amazed when learn about these dieting myths that so many of us have been programmed to believe are gospel.

Why can some people can lose weight easily when you feel like you are starving on a weight loss diet and still don't seem to lose anything?

The common belief is that our differences in metabolism and genes is the cause of these variances, and metabolism does play its role. The more you exercise and the more muscle mass you maintain, the higher your metabolism and the more calories you will burn daily. However, metabolism is not the only factor.

What goes into your mouth is determining whether you will gain or lose weight. But it's not the commonly understood number of calories, nor the commonly thought of "bad" foods such as fats that cause us to gain weight.

It's all determined by the type of foods you ingest, and these common myths might really surprise you!

1. Fat makes you fat.

So many of have learned that fat is what makes us gain weight. Eat low fat. We have heard that over and over again. Fat is not the cause of the rising obesity numbers in this country.

The wrong kind of carbohydrates are the culprit to the steady increase in obesity, especially in children. So much of our diet is based on heavily processed white flour products and we should be avoiding those bad carbohydrates.

So, no more pastas, breads, muffins, cookies, sugars, cakes and alcohol. The only carbohydrates we should be eating for optimal weight are non-starchy vegetables and whole grains such as wheat berries, oats, legumes, barely and brown rice.

2. Calorie restriction makes us lose weight.

It's true that reducing our caloric intake will make us lose weight, but who can possibly sustain that kind of low calorie diet for any length of time? Certainly not for a lifetime. Low calorie also means low energy and a feeling of hunger all the time.

Eating foods that trigger an insulin response is what makes us gain weight. And it also leads to onset diabetes with continued use. An insulin response triggers hormonal imbalance that causes us to store foods as fat. We don't want to store fat, we want to burn fat!

Just learn to eat foods that keep our blood sugar levels even without great fluctuation, and the pounds will vanish. In fact you can eat as many of these foods as you would like and still lose weight!

3. If you have the "fat gene" then losing weight is hopeless.

So many people feel helpless when trying to control their weight. Why is it that some people can eat as much as they want, yet never seem to gain weight?

Once you learn what TYPES of foods that are safe to eat, then you can eat as much of them as you would like and still lose weight. You just have to be sure you don't sneak in the offending foods.

And don't worry... there are many great foods on this weight loss diet that will satisfy your cravings and make you feel like your not even dieting at all!


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