
Best Workout Routines to Lose Weight

Best Workout Routines to Lose Weight

Let's face it, we're fat. Our nation is full of people who fall under the 'obese' or even 'morbidly obese' category. Our lives have gotten more hectic so we're exercising less than ever before and our foods have become so highly processed that it's easy to see how one can pack on the weight. If you're ready to reclaim your youthful physique, or even just lose a quick ten pounds, then you should probably incorporate a regular workout routine into your daily life.

The equation for losing weight is a simple one: you must burn off more calories than you eat. Of course, you could do this by starving yourself but then you'd rob your body of essential nutrients, slow your metabolism, and also lose critical muscle mass-and muscles are what burn calories. A good safe amount of weight to lose per week is anywhere between a half-pound and a pound. You can do this by cutting out 200 to 500 calories a day.

If losing weight is your goal, the logical answer is to moderately reduce the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis and start a workout routine to help your body burn more calories, which will not only help you lose weight, but it will also-over time-allow you to eat more of the foods you love without, hopefully, gaining weight.

So, are you wondering what workout routines are best to help you lose weight? While strength training is an important-and necessary-part of any workout routine, cardiovascular exercise (or 'cardio') truly is king when it comes to burning calories. And you should aim to get at least 45 minutes of exercise per day, five to six days a week. That's not to say that you need to get 45 minutes in all at once; you can divide it up over the course of a day if that works better for your schedule.

Some of the best calorie burning workout routines you can do revolve around cardio machines like the stairclimber, treadmill, and elliptical. But what if you don't have access to these machines? There's still plenty you can do to get and keep your heart rate in its target zone.

Top calorie burners are karate/tae kwon do, aerobic dancing, bicycling, in-line skating, and running. All of which are things you can do without having a fancy gym membership. But in reality-the best exercise routine to lose weight is "the exercise you do." Find something you enjoy-it'll make the process of exercising feel less like a chore and more like fun! Not only that, but if you find something you like, you'll be more likely to stick with it in the long run.


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