Losing body fat comes about as a major concern when we cross thirty. In the middle-age years, we ought to be more careful with what we eat, and how we consume our calories. If not, the result would gradually be thunder thighs, a loose hanging belly, protruding hips, and fat, unsightly arms. Plus, of course, that double chin we would never want.
There have been several diet regimes, like a full-fluid diet, which makes a person dependent on only fluids and no food, the zone diet, which is basically a calorie-restricted diet, crash diets, in which people just starve themselves to an optimal level, etcetera. But the best way to help reduce the fat deposits from under the skin is to eat well but healthy, and workout those calories taken in.
We are what we eat. This is a fact that we all know, and have probably even experienced. Eating plentiful amounts of food does not mean we are eating "well". Eating well would mean including the five food groups in the daily diet, which include, the breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, and the oils. Carbohydrates contribute greatly to the calorie intake, therefore, if body fat needs to be cut down, it would be wise to include maximum protein in the diet, with a reduction in carbohydrate intake. Fats, oils, and sweets are to be used sparingly in any case, whether a person is fat or not. A low-carbohydrate diet would assist in fat loss. Consuming grilled vegetables rather than fried, would also help in fat loss. Natural foods such as meat, nuts, fruits and vegetables help reduce fats from the body.
The most favorable method to reduce fats would be to cut down calories, and not have food two to three hours before bedtime or when body activity levels are low. This is because the calories taken in would not be consumed, and they would deposit as fat. If a person is working out regularly, avoiding food intake just after a workout, for at least one to two hours, has found to accelerate fat loss. A diet plan which would suit your lifestyle should be adopted, and a lot of brisk walking or some other form of brisk activity like cycling or swimming, should be included in the lifestyle. Generally, a low-calorie diet and a light workout plan works best for fat loss.
To lose body fat, firstly set your goals- they should be realistic attainable weight goals. Here are a few tips on how to keep your diet as fat-free as possible:
• Consume food in small quantities, 5-6 times a day (including snacks), instead of having 2-3 heavy meals.
• The diet plan of the following day should be made a night before, so that all the food needed should be available and fresh.
• A simple low-calorie diet would work best. There is no need for going into comprehensive diet plans.
• The food selection should include healthy, non-fattening foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and non-fat dairy products. Skimmed milk should be used.
• All fatty foods are to be omitted- the oil used in cooking should be very little, to prevent fat deposits, upon consumption. Fried foods are a total 'no'.
• All sugar-containing foods, such as bakery items, including cakes, biscuits, and pastries, are to be avoided at all costs. They are nothing but calorie-adders.
• Try to add five fruit and vegetable servings in your daily diet plan. Fill your stomach with low-calorie food such as raw fruits and vegetables. This would help in keeping you full, and not taking in fats.
• Whole foods in their original form should be incorporated in the diet- instead of processed foods- with sugars and sauces, etc., these add up to the calorie count.
• The carbohydrate-protein-fats ratio should be 50-35-15 respectively. Carbohydrates are also essential for the body, but in the form of whole-grain cereals and vegetables, and not processed food items.
Discipline in the dietary intake is most crucial for weight and fat loss. A diet low in fats would un turn help reduce previously deposited fats in the body too.
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