The low fat low cholesterol foods which can aid weight loss:
Soups-They relieve that hungry feeling quickly, warm you up in cold weather and cool you up in the hot weather, in the jellied form. They warm up the stomach and intestinal muscles for that job ahead. Use fat free vegetable soups, vegetable broths and soups prepared from skimmed milk. Make sure that all visible fat and grease are removed from the soup. This can be done by refrigerating the soup and then removing the grease and fat that has caked on the top. Place bread crumbs, lettuce or paper towels on the surface of the soup. Once they absorb all the fat and grease, remove them. Dry soup mixes are low in fat.
Meat- Beef and lamb meat are naturally high in cholesterol. But they form a part of the low fat diet because of their high protein content. One way to remove the fat content of meat is to half cook it the day before it is eaten and then refrigerating it. Once frozen, it is easy to remove the fat that has hardened on the top. Buy and eat lean meats. If you are going for ground meat, make sure that it is made from lean meat. Do not fry meats. Pork is an absolute no-no. These are the basics. You cannot expect me to pen on a variety of mouth watering meat recipes here for the reason that my culinary skills are very dormant.
Fish- I love fish a lot and hope you do love them too. They are excellent low fat food sources. You don't need to drain off fats from fish since they are made up of very less fat. Shellfish, lobsters, shrimps, crabs and tuna are low in fat and cholesterol content.
Poultry-Chicken and turkey are excellent low fat low cholesterol choices, provided the skin and giblets are discarded and only lean poultry is used.
Eggs- Eggs can be eaten sans the yellow yolk, which contains a concentrated form of fat. Egg white may be eaten and used for cooking as much as one desires.
Milk and milk products- Use non fat or skimmed milk or milk fortified with Vitamin A and D for that matter. Buttermilk and yoghurt made from skimmed milk are also refreshing sources of milk.
Vegetables- Vegetables are fat free and contain no cholesterol. Try to use it raw since most of the vital minerals and vitamins can be lost by cooking.
Fruits- Fruits are also free of any cholesterol to the exception of avocados and coconuts.
Salads -Use raw vegetables as much as possible. Salads can be prepared as a combination of fruits and vegetables too.
Cereals- Whole wheat and whole grain cereals are highly nutritious, energy producing and fat free.
Breads-Whole wheat bread is an excellent fat free choice.
Desserts-Dark chocolates are great fat free energy producers.
Beverages- Tea, Green tea, coffee, fruit and vegetable juices are excellent fat free beverages.
A reasonable mix of all the above mentioned foods can easily aid weight loss.
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