
Diabetic Weight Loss Through Diet and Control

weight loss diet

Diabetes is an illness that controls how your body process a hormone called insulin. This hormone, produced by your pancreas, helps your body process glucose, or blood sugar. Every time you eat a carbohydrate your body turns it into glucose. Your body needs to have that glucose for energy. Insulin helps the cells in your body absorb that glucose and turn it into energy. Excess glucose in your body can be expelled naturally, but it can also stay in your body, and cause problems.

Diabetes happens when your body either doesn't produce enough insulin, or the insulin doesn't work very well anymore. Type I diabetes, generally found in children, means the body doesn't produce insulin, or only a very small amount of it. Type II diabetes is generally diagnosed in adults, usually in middle age, but, because of the obesity epidemic, it is getting diagnosed earlier and earlier. It happens because your body doesn't process insulin correctly anymore. Type I diabetics will need to take insulin their entire life. They may need to check their blood up to 6 times a day so they can adjust the insulin, and may need to have as many as 6 shots a day.

People with Type II diabetes can generally control their diabetes through diet and exercise. There are some people who will need to take medication no matter what, but most people will be able to take no medication, as long as they eat right. Controlling what goes into your body by controlling your diet is the best way to control Type II diabetes. The biggest risk factor of a person becoming diabetic is obesity.

If you have been diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, then one specialist you should ask to see is a nutritionist. A nutritionist can help teach you about what foods you should and should not eat, as well as sit down with you in a one on one setting and create a diabetic weight loss program designed with you in mind. This diet will be low in carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates, and high in vegetables and protein. It will also focus on proper serving size. Many type 2 diabetics do not have a clue what a proper serving size is. Making sure that you are eating the right serving size can go a long way towards helping you lose weight and control your diabetes through your diet.


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