
Why Our Weight Loss Stagnates Even When We Diet and Exercise

Why Our Weight Loss Stagnates Even When We Diet and Exercise

Many of us have had experience of this problem when we are following a weight loss plan and it can be so frustrating. Perhaps we appear to be doing everything correctly but not achieving the results we deserve. Sometimes when losing weight it is the small, seemingly insignificant habits that are holding us back. If we have been aiming to lose weight by dieting and exercising, and are not progressing as well as we would like, the reason may be related to the common issues below:

1) Sugar Intake

Even if we have been religiously sticking to our diet and keeping track of our calorie intake, we may still be eating or drinking far too much sugar. Sugar creates a chemical reaction in our body which promotes fat storage. To try to get your weight loss back on track, we should try avoiding sweet sugary treats as well as sweetened tea, coffee, or soda drinks, and see if this makes a difference. If sweet cravings are a problem, we should eat fresh fruit to try to satisfy your taste buds. Fresh fruit will help to satisfy the sweet craving, but will not trigger the same chemical reaction as refined white sugar.

2) Insufficient Exercise

We may be following a diet and exercise plan but not losing weight because we are not exercising enough. We all have different metabolisms, so how much, or how intense we need to exercise will vary from person to person. As a general guide, we should do a minimum of 30 minutes of brisk exercise 3-4 times each week, but if we are not, we may need to workout for longer or with more intensity. Another problem may be that other than our daily exercise period, we lead a sedentary life. Perhaps we are employed in a job which involves long periods of time sitting or standing still, or we feel that 30 minutes of exercise is sufficient for one day and we cannot be bothered to do more. We should try to increase our activity throughout the day by perhaps walking to the supermarket rather than driving, take a few short walks with the dog, or walk to and from school with the children or take the stairs instead of the escalator in the shopping centres.

3) Insufficient Calorie Intake

Quite often the reason we cannot lose weight with diet and exercise is because we are not eating enough calories. Too few calories will result in our body metabolism slowing down to conserve energy to maintain the function of our vital organs. We may achieve some results from extreme calorie reduction, but it will only be a short-term fix and can be damaging to our health if done long-term. We should eat sufficient calories to prevent our body from adopting preservation and anti-starvation mode, and once we have achieved the right balance, our body will release the weight easily.

4) Stress

Stress can be a major handicap to weight loss because it can also trigger a chemical reaction within our body. A hormone called cortisol is responsible for helping our body cope with stress, fear anxiety or irritations, but it can have the side effect of leading to the storage of fat around the abdominal and midriff areas of the body. We need to manage and address our stress levels in healthy ways such as through yoga, meditation or exercise.

5) Medical Issues

If we still have difficulty losing weight with diet and exercise, perhaps there is a medical issue and we should consult a doctor. There are many medical conditions that do not reveal obvious symptoms, but they could be affecting our ability to lose weight at a normal, regular pace. Certain medications can also affect our ability to lose weight, again our doctor should be consulted in order to confirm or discount these as a reason for poor results.

Even though there are numerous obstacles and challenges along the way, we can lose weight with diet and exercise, even if we need to employ different tactics and work harder, be more determined and focused on achieving success.


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