
Five Easy Steps To Successful Weight Loss

fresh fruits and vegetables

Sadly there are no magic ways, pills, or supplements to lose weight. It takes persistence, desire, and lots of well researched information to be able to lose weight and keep it off. You have to know and understand that their is no magic method that is going to enable you to lose weight with no effort. Your going to have to be willing to give it your all. And be willing to stick to your weight loss plans.

It is through the trials and tribulations of many failed weight loss plans, that we have come to know that if you make to many radical changes to your eating habits that you are setting yourself up to fail. If your going to be successful with your weight loss plans you have to make often radical changes to your daily eating habits that your going to have to keep up for the rest of your life. You have to retrain yourself. You have to learn to change your eating habits and start eating the things that are good for you.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should become a big part of your daily eating habits and you really should try steamed vegetables. If you know how to steam them correctly they have more flavor cooked steamed than they do any other way.

Crash diets will work and some work well but if you don't change your eating habits the pounds will start to creep back on. There are five things you can do to make sure you take off the pounds and the pounds will stay off.

1. Learn to change your daily eating habits. If your not including fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet you really need to add them. And you should try your vegetables steamed.

2. You need to start drinking eight big glasses of water a day. Water will help you to feel fuller and water helps to lean the toxins out of your body. You can add lemon juice to your water both for flavor and to help to clean your colon. Fresh lemon juice helps to clean the toxins out of your body better than most prescription or over the counter medicines made for the same purpose.

3. Start walking for exercise. Walking is a low impact exercise that works for everyone and if you will start walking and build up over time to a mile or two every other day it will help you to succeed with weight loss like nothing you've ever tried before.

4. Make it a hard and fast rule right now that your not going to eat in the last two hours before you go to bed. People who can do this and stick to it are usually able to keep the pounds off. If you wake up so hungry you can't sleep have a big glass of iced water with fresh squeezed lemon juice added to it.

5. You need to add lots of fresh vegetables and fruits into your daily diet so be sure to try steamed vegetables and steamed fish. Let me tell you I eat for flavor and steamed vegetables and fish have flavors that you won't soon forget. You can add fresh herbs, spices and lemon to the water you use for steaming and you'll wonder why you haven't been eating steamed foods all your life.

I hope that this article will help you with losing weight and keeping it off. I have fought a hard fight with both losing weight and with keeping it off all my life and I feel I have a lot of valuable information to share. Good luck with your weight loss.


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